Streamline your hiring process.

The Kanban Board For Your Developer Hiring Process

If recruitment tools were built for developers you'd get Hacktopia.

Create Your Board

Workflows configured by you

Create and manage your own recruitment flow. If your hiring process stops working for you, change it. Inspect. Adapt.

Craft your workflow

Automate Communication

There’s nothing more embarrassing and time consuming than candidates chasing for updates. With Hacktopia all communications are automated (including tech tests!).

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Co-ordinated Tech Teams

Developers are hired to develop, not recruit. Hacktopia takes the stress out of the hiring process by answering questions like: who’s interviewing who and when. Now you can focus on what’s important: writing code.

Get Ready

Power Up Your Dev Team

  • Clear visibility within the team

    Increase real time update on hiring activities within your team and Save time and money by avoiding duplicated work effort.

  • Integrate with HR team to streamline conversations

    Make working with HR team smoother and dynamic by integrating the Hacktopia application with your companies HR system.

  • Prevent increased candidate drop off rates

    Avoid losing candidates through your hiring process with multiple touch points that can be automated or generated as needed.

Want to get started?

Time to take control of your recruitment process and hire smarter and faster?

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